40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Photography, 1976-2018

Compiled by Wu Hung

Under the broad concept of “Photographic Expression”, this book is an impressive summary and interpretation of Contemporary Chinese photography, relevant photographers and photo movements/tendencies that erupted in Chinese photographers.

This photobook was organized as a catalog of a major photographic exhibition held in Beijing (2017) and Shenzhen (2018), under the initiative of its publisher and photographic gallery, the “Three Shadow Photographic Art Center”, Beijing.

Art historian and curator Wu Hong selected from around 180 photographers/partnersips, their most relevant works, further to identifying important photography associations/groups that broadly shaped Chinese Contemporary art scene and, in particular, the photography in China.

In his words, the book structures Chinese contemporary photography into four periods:

· The rise of unofficial photographic groups and exhibitions (1976 – 1979) · New wave photography (1980 – 1990) · Experimental photography (1996 – 2006) · The development of experimental organizations (2007 – 2018)

Author : Compiled by Wu Hung
Publisher : Three Shadows Photographic Art Center, Beijing
Edition : 2018
ISBN : 978-7-5514-2465-3