Adelaide Duarte

art historian

Art historian, auxiliary researcher (DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0081), and deputy director in the board elected for the 2023-2025 term at the Institute of Art History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program “Art Market and Collecting”, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, since its first edition, in 2016. Founder and coordinator of TIAMSA subcommittee “Art Market and Collecting: Portugal, Spain and Brazil”, since 2017. Member of the research group “Museum Studies: Art, Museums, and Collections”. Vice-President of the Friends Association of the Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea, in Lisbon, since 2013. She received her Ph.D. in Museology and Cultural Heritage, in 2012, from the University of Coimbra, where she analyzed private collections of modern and contemporary art in Portugal. She also holds a master’s degree in Museology and Cultural Heritage from the same university, obtained in 2005, as well as a degree in Art History, earned in 1998. She currently supervises Ph.D. and master’s students on topics related to the history of contemporary art collections and art museums.

Her research interests cover issues such as private collecting practices, contemporary collectors, art fairs and biennials, the primary art market (contemporary art galleries), and themes around the periphery and the so-called Global South. Concerning this subject, she co-edited the book “The Art Market and The Global South” published by Brill (2023). She has participated in international conferences and symposiums, in Portugal and abroad (Beijing, Bogotá, Brussels, London, Paris, Madrid, NY, Rio Grande do Sul, Amsterdam, Antwerp), and published articles and books. Author of several entries on Bloomsbury Art Markets published, in 2023, among her recent publications the following can be mentioned: DUARTE, A., Dulce D’Agro and Quadrum: a Modern Art Love Story in Lisbon, V. Chagnon-Burke, C. Toschi (Ed.), Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940-1980. Series Contextualizing Art Markets. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts / Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023, pp. 263-279.; DUARTE, A.; PÉREZ-IBÁÑEZ, M., Slow Collecting: Sustainability and the Need for a Paradigm Sift by Iberian Collectors, Sustainability, MDPI 2023, 15(21), 15401. DOI:; DUARTE, A. (Coord.), Diálogos de colecionar. [22] Colecionadores de arte em Portugal [Collecting Dialogues. 22 Portuguese Contemporary Art Collectors], Lisboa, Veritas Art Auctioneers, 2022. ISBN 978-989-8628-87-9; DUARTE, A.; FIALHO, A. L.; PÉREZ-IBÁÑEZ, M., “External Shocks in the Art Markets: How did the Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Brazilian Art Markets react to COVID-19 Global Pandemic? Data Analysis and Strategies to Overcome the Crisis”, Arts, 2021, 10(3), 47.; DUARTE, A., The Periphery is Beautiful: The Rise of the Portuguese Contemporary Art Market in the 21st Century, Arts, 2020, 9 (4), 115.; DUARTE, A., Da coleção ao museu. O Colecionismo privado de arte moderna e contemporânea em Portugal [From Collection to Museum. Private Collecting of Modern and Contemporary Art in Portugal], Caleidoscópio, Direção Geral do Património Cultural, 2016.