In the 1990s, Andreas Gursky became one of Germany’s most prominent photographers.
His large-format colour photographs are characterised by precise composition, detailed depth of field and an overall structure that avoids a central point of view. He is interested in how social and political culture structures people’s lives, whether at work or play, in the world of fashion, sport, business or finance.
Gursky was born in 1955 in Leipzig, East Germany, into a third-generation family of photographers.
He grew up in West Germany, where his parents had moved the year he was born. As soon as he could walk, he came into contact with photographers and photographic techniques and their application to the advertising industry. This may have encouraged his decision to study at the famous Folkwangschule in Essen, the most prestigious photography school in Germany at the time. The school was run and greatly influenced by the founder of subjective photography, Otto Steinert, who trained photographers in an applied aesthetic that corresponded to his own; and the students worked primarily in small-format photography, in prints rich in contrasting black and white. Although Gursky began his studies in 1978, the year of Steinert’s death, the aesthetics taught at the school only slowly moved away from the principles established by Steinert. During this time, Gursky devoted himself to black and white photojournalism with a Leica 35mm camera. Of the young teachers who took over from Steinert, Gursky benefited most from the lasting influence of Michael Schmidt, who introduced him to his own views and to the latest developments in American photography.
After four semesters at the Folkwangschule, Gursky followed the advice of his photographer friend Thomas Struth and applied to the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. There he joined the photography class of Bernd Becher and his wife Hilla. This was Gursky’s move away from applied photography and towards the study of photography as a free art form. In the class he met Candida Hofer, Tata Ronkholz, Thomas Ruff and Petra Wunderlich.
Thomas Struth and Axel Hutte had just finished their studies. The Becheresque principles of style served as a model for this generation and even the next. The Becher taught their students to focus on one subject, one point of view and one perspective, and to decontextualise the subject by eliminating as much as possible any elements that define time – all essential components of the Bechers’ work. The Becher also influenced Gursky’s aesthetic, which in the 1980s focused on common clichés such as people strolling on a Sunday afternoon, playing football or going on a package holiday. These themes allowed him, as an observer, to maintain a constant distance, and thus his photographs retained little of the reality of the scenes he photographed, making them stand for the general state of things in the industrial world. The precise observation, the fixation on a singular idea of the image and the patient execution belong not to a medium applied to the world for a functional purpose, but to a medium that is an independent expression and attitude to life. Adopting the Bechers’ approach to photography, Gursky abandoned the 35mm camera, which allowed him to take quick reactions and capture fleeting moments, and began working with large and medium-format cameras, no longer in black and white but exclusively in colour.
In terms of technique and composition, his photographs from the 1980s show the influence of American colour photographers such as Stephen Shore, William Eggleston and, above all, Jeff Wall. A characteristic of his photography that has crystallised over time is the distant, elevated position of the viewer, which blurs the defining condition of the frame and leads to a floating perspective.
Human beings, shaped by the structures of their world, become unrecognisable, appearing as part of a single mass that submits to the same occupation, whether in leisure or at work. Mountaineers, swimmers, skiers, theatregoers, and rock concert goers are just as subordinate as stockbrokers and industrial workers.
“I observe the human species under the open sky from the perspective of an extraterrestrial being. In order to make it clear that my interest lies in the species and not in the individual, I have abstracted the human beings into tiny figures”.
Although human actors still appear in earlier landscapes that suggest a kind of narrative – Sonntagsspazierganger, Ratingen, 1984; Neujahrs Sunday, Ratingen, 1984; Neujahrsschwimmer, 1988; Angler, Muhlheim, 1989 – in the development of his work, people appear at an increasing distance or seem to be mediated by traces of modern civilisation.
Even the titles emphasise the factual – Restaurant, St. Moritz, 1991; Borse, New York, 1991 – to the point of denying additional information.
Furthermore, everyday objects remain the focus of his camera, but are presented as optical phenomena. Surfaces and colours seem to be thoroughly structured elements of the photographs’ composition, confusing or even completely destroying the spatial perspective that the floating point of view and the distance from the object serve to promote. It also seems to pull the ground out from under the viewer’s feet. In parallel with the development of his increasingly abstract style, the size of his prints increased, from 1988 to 2000 reaching the maximum size of a roll of photographic paper, 1.8 metres high and 5 metres long (Tote Hosen, 2000 [Nothing Doing]). In their presentation and reception, these unusual large formats are very similar to paintings; as part of the everyday environment, they become the object of another image. This is not to say that Gursky’s work corresponds to painting in its pictorial manner; the photographs exploit painterly characteristics by transforming given factual objects into objects of monumental size, by cutting the photograph off from any recognisable reference to the object photographed, and also by suggesting in their content a kind of colour-field painting, as well as a colour scheme that is negated on the flat, glossy surface of the photographic paper.
In 1992 Gursky began to use digital technology to create some of his images. His first efforts consisted of minor retouching, but soon he was using the computer to construct the image, allowing a further confusion of perspective and point of view. However, Gursky still insists on creating the final print photographically, using a photo-editing programme to transform, assemble and retouch scanned negatives. He then creates a new negative from which the final, enlarged print is made.
Unlike many photographers, Gursky does not work in series. Although he is attracted to certain stagings that create image themes, each photograph is based on a single, precise idea that elicits a single image. The scenes in the photographs depict the taken-for-granted character of everyday life as well as carefully observed peculiarities, both of which Gursky transforms into an abstract pattern. None of his images is fleeting or spontaneous. Rather, his trained, observant eye seeks out a subject that must be transformed into a visual concept, something that often takes a long time to translate – in photographic terms – into a single, manageable work, resulting in the production of only a few images a year.