Farewell Photography

Daido Moriyama

The publication of Daido MORIYAMA’s photo book Farewell Photography in 1972 was certainly one of the most important events in the history of modern photography. It would be no exaggeration to say that it had such a great impact that the photography world was quite a different place after the book’s publication than it was before. It was repeatedly reissued between the first issue and today, and the effect it still has is as great – if not greater – now as it was in 1972.
This reproduced 2020 edition of Farewell Photography is based around those 80 images. The series consisted entirely of landscape format shots, and previous publications featured one photograph each across two pages, so that all of the images had folds in the center. In order to avoid ruining the photographs that way, and make it easier to fully appreciate every single one of them, the book design for this edition features a layout of one item per page.

– from editor’s note

Author :  Daido Moriyama
Publisher : Akio Nagasawa Publishing
Release : 2020
Edition : Limited Edition: 600 (Signed and Numbered) A.P.